Thursday 5 July 2012


In attempt to become a market leading company in Australia, Powerlink must rely on a clear and consistent vision, resonating throughout the business and its employees, in order to continually improve and become more competitive in the market.  

What is vision?

Vision is an aspirational future of an organisation or individual, which sees people accomplishing their individual and business goals. It guides us to making current choices based on future rewards.

Vision and Productivity;

Vision is an arrow in the right direction; it is kryptonite to procrastination.

Vision and productivity go hand-in-hand; in fact you could even say that vision is the key to continuing productivity. Let us take a scenario where you are sitting at your desk, its 4PM on a Friday afternoon, and you've met all the deadlines for the entire week. What do you do? Most of us with a flexible work life would make an early escape to beat the Friday afternoon traffic or sit on Facebook, Twitter etc. for the next hour or two. Those of us that understand both the companies’ vision and have our own sense of personal vision would use this time to tackle our long term goals. This may come in the form of planning, or chipping away at long standing projects that will add value to both the company and our job role.

How to provide clearer vision:
They say you've got to know where you've been to know where you're going. Providing a clear direction for the future entails looking back at trends and patterns, what has been successful and what has failed, and ultimately where things can be improved upon. Undertaking a new task, new role or new job will always prove to be easier if you understand what has happened in the past before you start. Has somebody else already made starts at the project before you? What can I learn from the person who had the role or job before me? What mistakes did they make? What things did thy do well? Answering these questions about the past is always going to be beneficial in providing a clearer vision for the future.

Having a clear vision:

Powerlink Australia’s vision is “to become a world leading brand and promote the image and status of our products within the Australian market”. Obviously to achieve this, we need to break our vision down into a series of short term and long term goals, however if we have a strong and continuous aim, there will never be a lack of productivity.


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