Monday 11 June 2012

Cyclonic weather calls for Back-up

"Cyclonic weather conditions in Western Australia calls for Back-up Generators"
Powerlink Generators weathering the storm

Cyclonic weather conditions over the weekend have sent Western Australia’s main power supply into a shambles. At the peak of this erratic weather, 170,000 households and businesses were left without power in both Perth and the southwest of the state. There are still over 100, 000 homes without power in the southern half of Western Australia   

Many residential homes, properties and businesses still remain without power, whilst several have been reliant on back-up power systems since Sunday. With 100’s of Powerlink generators in operation throughout Western Australia, many work sites, businesses and residential properties have been able to continue with regular day-to-day routines undisturbed. Western Australians are being urged to prepare for further damage and further blackouts with more extreme weather forecast for the coming weeks.

According to a report by Oxfam, the natural disaster rate has increased by 400% over the past two decades; from around 120 per year, to over 500 natural disasters being recorded each year. This poses the question whether we are actually gambling our money by preparing for extreme weather conditions, or are we simply analysing the given data and making logical and financially secure choices to prepare for a lifetime of inevitable harsh weather conditions. We insure our businesses and homes against damages, so why shouldn’t we insure our businesses against loss of productivity, or our homes against loss of lifestyle and home operations.

As a home or business owner, an emergency standby generator provides a safety net for continuous operations and uninterrupted routines. Powerlink Machines (AUST) provides a range of highly efficient and high performance diesel generators to act as either main or back-up power supply for any type of operations. Whether it be used for a black-out or highly intense workloads, a Powerlink generator set allow businesses and homes to maintain productivity 24/7 without interruptions. Powerlink diesel generator sets range between 5.5-2250 kVA, suitable for any form of use. Over 60,000 Powerlink generator sets and other machineries are providing efficient, cost effective power worldwide. Hence you can understand why Powerlink products are fast becoming the number one choice for commercial industries and home residences.

For more information on Powerlink Australia's current product line;

Contact the team on 02 8858 9688 OR visit

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