Friday 22 June 2012

Powerlink: Sustainability

In these more turbulent economic times, you may be asking yourself; what is the secret to ensuring the longevity of my business and its future success? How does one ensure that their business will weather the storm of a potential second financial recession and come out to emerge as a stronger, more valuable business entity?

The answer is sustainable businesses practices.

PowerLink Machine, a world leading manufacturer of diesel generators, air compressors and lighting towers, understands the importance of executing activities that ensure sustainable growth within their market. As an approach to prolonged growth PowerLink identifies that there are three areas that lead to sustainability; sustainable development, innovation and environmental development.       

Sustainable development 

Sustainable development is part of PowerLink's day to day routine and an important condition for long-term profitability and achieving the interests of customers and dealers. “The idea is to focus on providing solutions that benefit society, just as much as they benefit the company”. [Christopher Dyce 2012, Marketing Co-Ordinator PowerLink Machine Australia] Sustainable development comes in the form of problem resolution. Powerlink does not just provide add-ons to increase the cost of each unit, they understand the dynamics of customer life time value, and manufacture appropriately to satisfy current clients. This emphasises the principle that the best form of advertising is referral through word-of-mouth. Keep your current customers happy and they will be your best marketing tool.


Powerlink relies on continuous innovation for sustainable growth. This comes in the form of new product development, supply chain management and investment in productivity research. Continuous growth in the range of products enables customs to select the exact products they require. It is essential to deliver customers exactly what they expect, plus a little bit more, ensuring continuous positive feedback. This does not only have to apply to the physical product, but may also include after sales support and customer service.

Environmental development

PowerLink constantly develops products in attempt to lower energy consumption, and provide pollution-free products, ultimately reducing the impact on the environment.

 Also very important to consider are ways in which your company can reduce its impact on the environment. Businesses need to understand that in order to minimise wastage, provide customers with a clean and efficient product and prologue profitability, they must continue to think about green options. Continue to think about brand reputation, moderate, not rapid, growth, and overtime profitability with continuously be growing.

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